Connection creates essence — essence fosters connections.
The connection between a person and his family, his roots, himself, his friends.
The connection between man and G-d.
Tefillin symbolizes the deep connection between a Jew and his essence; his very being..
We make that connection.
Kesher Tefillin is a compelling and powerful project that is active around
the globe with wonderful results.
Kesher Tefillin was created to help give a budding Jew spiritual
ownership of a mitzvah that might otherwise be alien to him.
Central to the “catalog” of mitzvahs, Tefillin address an astonishing
spectrum of Jewish concepts – values reaching far beyond
the tefillin themselves: Kedushah, responsibility, devotion,
dedication, continuity, connectedness, identity.
Kesher Tefillin is a compelling and powerful project that is active around the globe with wonderful results.
Kesher Tefillin was created to help give a budding Jew spiritual
ownership of a mitzvah that might otherwise be alien to him.
Central to the “catalog” of mitzvahs, Tefillin address an astonishing spectrum of Jewish concepts – values reaching far beyond the tefillin themselves: Kedushah, responsibility, devotion, dedication, continuity, connectedness, identity.
To a young Jew approaching bar mitzvah, Tefillin should be objects of intense spiritual excitement. Sadly, they are often archaic remnants of a previous age relegated to the underwear drawer after the initial photo-op; no longer relevant in the high-speed world of Twitter and Instagram.
As a Jew approaches bar/bat-mitzvah, Kesher Tefillin facilitates and empowers his understanding of this beautiful mitzvah with a fusion of “hands on” creativity, learning and tangible results – a pair of kosher Tefillin!
Tefillin are a manifestation of a Jew’s physical connection to his Creator – a spiritual
conduit linking them powerfully yet intangibly. The Midrash tells us that just as a
Jew wears tefillin that contain his affirmation of faith; the Creator puts on tefillin
that affirm His love of the Jewish people… I’ve made the connection.
Tefillin are a manifestation of a Jew’s physical connection to his Creator – a spiritual conduit linking them powerfully yet intangibly. The Midrash tells us that just as a Jew wears tefillin that contain his affirmation of faith; the Creator puts on tefillin that affirm His love of the Jewish people…
I’ve made the connection.
These words were written by children and their parents after completing our workshop and experiencing their connection.
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