Kesher Tefillin is a compelling and powerful project that is active around
the globe with wonderful results.
Kesher Tefillin was created to help give a budding Jew spiritual
ownership of a mitzvah that might otherwise be alien to him.
Central to the “catalog” of mitzvahs, Tefillin address an astonishing
spectrum of Jewish concepts – values reaching far beyond
the tefillin themselves: Kedushah, responsibility, devotion,
dedication, continuity, connectedness, identity.
Kesher Tefillin is a compelling and powerful project that is active around the globe with wonderful results.
Kesher Tefillin was created to help give a budding Jew spiritual ownership of a mitzvah that might otherwise be alien to him.
Central to the “catalog” of mitzvahs, Tefillin address an astonishing spectrum of Jewish concepts – values reaching far beyond the tefillin themselves: Kedushah, responsibility, devotion, dedication, continuity, connectedness, identity.
To a young Jew approaching bar mitzvah, Tefillin should be objects of intense spiritual excitement. Sadly, they are often archaic remnants of a previous age relegated to the underwear drawer after the initial photo-op; no longer relevant in the high-speed world of Twitter and Instagram.
As a Jew approaches bar/bat-mitzvah, Kesher Tefillin facilitates and empowers his understanding of this beautiful mitzvah with a fusion of “hands on” creativity, learning and tangible results – a pair of kosher Tefillin!
Taking a raw piece of parchment, each participant will cut, mold, fold, emboss and color it, creating his very own tefillin.
* He will select and insert the parchment scrolls, attach and tie the straps.
* He will study the sources reviewing the holiness of the tefillin, the Halacha of making and using them.
* When completed, he will finally don his new tefillin with the appropriate kavanot (intentions) and blessings.
Our program requires a genuine investment of time and energy on the part of the participant. The multitude of diverse tasks involved is complex, requiring accuracy and concentration. This need for investment is exactly the element that creates the spiritual bond of the participant with the Tefillin. Because the process has been challenging, but achievable, and because the participant perceives his investment in the process; he gains true spiritual ownership of the mitzvah.
Our program requires a genuine investment of time and energy on the part of the participant. The multitude of diverse tasks involved is complex, requiring accuracy and concentration. This need for investment is exactly the element that creates the spiritual bond of the participant with the Tefillin. Because the process has been challenging, but achievable, and because the participant perceives his investment in the process; he gains true spiritual ownership of the mitzvah.
He makes the connection.
Bring the Rambam, the Shulchan Aruch, and the Gemara to life with a unique “hands on” experience. In addition to the “arts
and crafts” aspect of the project, significant time is also allotted to text study. These texts are used as the “instruction manuals”
for the fabrication of the Tefillin – each step is studied in the original text before proceeding to follow the “instructions”. This
correlation brings the texts alive in a very exciting way that the children have never experienced before.
Summer camp is also an ideal forum for the Kesher Tefillin project. The relaxed and informal atmosphere is perfect to foster the
enthusiasm this project requires and generates. It enables a high level of personal interaction between campers and educators.
Bring the Rambam, the Shulchan Aruch, and the Gemara to life with a unique “hands on” experience. In addition to the “arts and crafts” aspect of the project, significant time is also allotted to text study. These texts are used as the “instruction manuals” for the fabrication of the Tefillin – each step is studied in the original text before proceeding to follow the “instructions”. This correlation brings the texts alive in a very exciting way that the children have never experienced before.
Summer camp is also an ideal forum for the Kesher Tefillin project. The relaxed and informal atmosphere is perfect to foster the enthusiasm this project requires and generates. It enables a high level of personal interaction between campers and educators.
HOW LONG? About 15 hours spread over a week, about 3 hours each day, usually in two 1ó hour sessions.
HOW MANY? The maximum group size is about 35 participants; the ideal group size is about 15-25. It is possible to coordinate two or three groups concurrently.
WHO? Generally, the program is ideal for 6th or 7th graders (in summer camps, rising 7th or 8th graders).
Make the connection in a broad-based community program; coordinated by a synagogue, community center, Federation (etc.) anywhere in the world.
HOW LONG? 10-12 hours often including two consecutive Sundays and two afternoon/evening sessions during the intermediate week. Each session takes 2½-3 hours.
HOW MANY? The maximum group size is about 35 participants; the ideal group size is about 15-25. It is possible to coordinate two or three groups concurrently.
WHO? These programs can be for bar mitzvah age children, their parents or grandparents, college-aged students or adults. In other words, anybody!
Make the connection in an intimate group. Although these groups are primarily bar mitzvah aged children, the program is
appropriate for anybody — including adults. An incredible parent/child program; when parents do the workshop together with
their children or even grandchildren, they have a wonderful opportunity to spend productive time together – something many
children do not do with their parents (unfortunately!). The bonding experience is incredibly positive – especially since there is
a defined goal with tangible results.
Make the connection in an intimate group. Although these groups are primarily bar mitzvah aged children, the program is appropriate for anybody — including adults. An incredible parent/child program; when parents do the workshop together with their children or even grandchildren, they have a wonderful opportunity to spend productive time together – something many children do not do with their parents unfortunately!). The bonding experience is incredibly positive – especially since there is a defined goal with tangible results.
HOW LONG? 8-10 hours in four or five sessions.
HOW MANY? 5-15 participants.
WHERE? Such programs are usually done in the home of one of the participants.
WHO? Parents and grandparents are invited and encouraged to participate with their children/grandchildren.
NOTE: These programs can be extremely flexible and are tailored to accommodate the group and its requirements, so please don’t hesitate to share your needs with us.
Individual Programs for Bar Mitzvah children with their parents.
Discover a beautiful way to make the connection and prepare your children (and yourselves!) for their bar mitzvahs in a private
one-on-two workshop – father or mother with their son forging the true connection.
Individual Programs for Bar Mitzvah children with their parents.
Discover a beautiful way to make the connection and prepare your children (and yourselves!) for their bar mitzvahs in a private one-on-two workshop – father or mother with their son forging the true connection.
HOW LONG? Three sessions of about 2-2½ hours each. These can be done in one day with breaks, in two days with an overnight, or on several evenings (not necessarily consecutive).
HOW MANY? Well, the headline is quite explanatory.
WHERE? This program is can be done in our studio in Tzfat, in the home of the bar mitzvah family, or anywhere(!)
NOTE: This program can be extremely flexible and is tailored to accommodate any requirements, so please don’t hesitate to share your needs with us.